Industry Leading Multi-Family
Construction Management & Project Management
Pre-Project Planning
& Project Consulting
Proper pre-project planning is critical to a construction project's success. We help clients anticipate all required project elements, develop proper scope, and obtain real costs. This minimizes surprises, and ensures proper contingencies through all phases of construction.
Specialized Focus
Project Planning & Development
SB 800 & Defect Repairs
Phased Work Plans
Planned Maintenance
Building Retrofits
Work/Bid Specifications & Project Manual Development
Vendor & Team Vetting
Architectural & Engineering
General & Specialty Contractors
Legal Firms
Bidding, Bid Analysis, & Bid Negotiations
Special Assessments
Construction Management & Project Management
We provide oversight and management of capital repairs, retrofits, and defect reconstruction projects of all sizes, scopes, and complexity, from large building envelope repairs and building upgrades, to water intrusion repairs and insurance claims management.
Targeted Expertise
Construction Management
Field Oversight & Reporting
Project Management
Project Leadership & Team Management
Project Close Out
Owners Representation
Client Advocacy thru the Construction Process
Bid & Cost Negotiations
Financial Management
Budget Development & Management
Contract Administration
Stearman & Expert Services
Construction Concierge
& Project Coordination
Our Construction Concierge & Coordination services include special toll-free and local phone lines and email addresses for each project, along with a dedicated concierge and team members assigned to each project.
Sole point of contact for property residents frees up client and management staff.
Knowledgeable team members assigned to address project-related questions, concerns, and complaints.
Direct communication with property residents and coordination of unit access required to perform repairs.
Regular project updates, with work schedules and calendars.
Special project blog site with links to schedules, data sheets, and relevant project data.

I-Beam was founded in 2007 to address the unique repair and asset management needs of California non-profit condominium development corporations. Over the past 17 years, we've honed our specializations managing SB800 and Construction Defect Repairs, and Capital Repairs, and Retrofits for a variety of multi-family property types, occupied spaces, and built environments. In addition, because of the non-profit structure of most community interest developments, strict budget management has also become a strong focus, and we work to save clients' money on every element of every project.
Our complement of services includes construction management, project management, owners representation, budget development and management, insurance claims and emergency restoration management, and construction concierge and coordination services targeted to homeowners associations and community interest developments, association management firms, and other multi-family properties.
Multi-Family industry expertise and specialization
Specialized in the management of repairs in occupied spaces & built-environments
SB800 and Defect Repair oversight specialization
California Licensed General Contracting firm (Lic #987709)
Independently Owned - not affiliated with any other construction, architectural, or engineering firm, management company, or other entity.
Allison Cease
24 yrs Multi-Family Industry
7 yrs HOA Property Manager
Former Certified Community Association Manager (CCAM®)
Condo & Non-Profit Board Director/Officer
Founder 10.92K member LinkedIn Networking Group "A/E/C Industry Networking Group"

Diverse Experience with strong Multi-Family Expertise.

President/RMO, Principal Construction Manager

Conflict of Interest Free Construction Management™

Diverse Experience with strong Multi-Family Expertise.
Year Established
to Clients
Average Savings
Diverse Project Experience:
Select Success Stories


Get in Touch
For more information or to discuss a project and request a proposal, give us a call or complete the form below. We'll get back to you promptly.
I-Beam is located just North of the Bay Bridge and just West of San Rafael in sunny Fairfax.
112 Porteous Avenue
Fairfax, CA 94930
Email: info@ibeamsf.com
Main/Fax: 1-877-I-BEAM-SF (1-877-423-2673)